China Youth Carbon Shift is on the Way!

After months preparations and countless meetings since last July, the core group members of China Global Power Shift announced the Phase Two of Global Power Shift in China— China GPS – “China Youth Carbon Shift” has formally begun!

China PS in GZ-3

China power shift core members have settled with a specific agenda for the whole event after several discussions. In the upcoming future, the team will conduct a series of events described as follows. In March and coming April, there will be selectively recruitment for new teams around China and train them through workshops and strategic planning with tools such as the latest carbon accounting manual. The ultimate goals is to prepare them for participation in China Youth Carbon Shift activity series. Those participants of China Power Shift will also serve as an ambassador for the Youth Carbon Shift, spreading the message about this Power Shift project throughout their communities. From April to June, the first stage of China GPS will take off – the team is ready to focus on the campus carbon accounting project, helping those participated teams to form their carbon accounting plan and offering them support for data collection and analysis. The team will be expecting many carbon accounting reports by June!

China PS in GZ

The core members will start off the project with 5 selected regions and cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong province, Zhejiang Province and Southwest China. The China power shifters hope to expand further once the plan has been successfully carried out in these regions where the team have the most abundant resources.

The next large-scale event for China-GPS will be one of the workshop sessions held in Beijing in mid-April. Twenty teams from universities in Beijing and five to six from other regions are going to be involved in a 1-day China-GPS bootcamp which includes carbon accounting training workshop in the morning and a series of discussions on environmental activism in the afternoon. Topics ranging from climate change to fossil fuels will all be brought to the table during these discussions.

So, cheer for the China Power Shifters! The China Youth Carbon Shift is on its way to an adventurous journey! The team will go all out to take the spirit and passion from the GPS in Turkey to a new level in China to ensure the success of all the Youth Carbon Shift events. China power shifters are certain that with the positive green energy they can attract more and more Chinese youths to join force for this global climate movement.

China PS in GZ-2

Together let’s make a difference!!